Forgot to put out the trash again? Twente Milieu collects recycled paper, plastic and biomass once a month, which often leaves the less organised among us with heaps of stuff piling up. To scratch my own itch, I’ve made a simple afval iCalender webapp that scrapes the website of Twente Milieu and turns it into an iCalendar feed to subscribe your iCal, Google Calendar and mobile phones to.
For those living in an area served by Twente Milieu, I offer it free of charge (obviously without any warranties). Just go to http://afcal.micheljansen.org and enter your address. If you want to build or host your own, you can find the source on the project’s github page. It’s just a few lines of Ruby powered by Sinatra. You may also post bugreports there should you run into trouble. Enjoy!
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